Sunday, March 21, 2010

Fontainebleau Boudering Trip

Last week was our annual trip to Fontainebleau for some bouldering fun in the forest. I was feeling week and tired so was expecting much, just a nice break from life and some bouldering with friends.
The weather held all week a part 7pm on the last day when it decided to rain so we could not complain, but we did it has been too warm some days and it meant no climbing on the last. Least it meant we got home a little earlier then normal and 1200 miles later.

Here is mine and Deb's tick this from this trip

Mille Pattes Gorge du Houx 7a
Sa Pelle au Logis Gorge aux chats 7a (Repeat)
Plats de Saision assis Gorge aux chats 7a
Le Jeu du Toit Roche aux Sabots7a (Repeat)
Le Jeu du Toit (Eliminate) Roche aux Sabots7b
Holey Moley Bas Cuvier 7a
Helicoptere Bas Cuvier 7a (Repeat)
Cortomaltese Bas Cuvier 7a (Repeat)
Ah plus Facile Hautes Plaines 7a+
Faux Contact Apremont 7a+
Le Tango Triste Apremont 7a (Repeat)

Mille Pattes Gorge du Houx 7a
Le Jeu du Toit Roche aux Sabots7a
Le Tango Triste Apremont 7a
Lapin ou Carnard Hautes Plaines 7a

Here is a short film of our trip
Here are some more photo's

3RD round of the Midlands Region of the BRYCS

The third and final round of the BRYCS were held at The Tower, Liecester on the 13th of March. This would determine who would go to the final.

The full results can be found here

Well done to every body who took part and well done the following from Wolf Mountain who have got through to the finals

Dominic Vincent
Carla Lambert
George Morris
James Sharman
Lauren Walker
Emily Marsh
Duncan Fisher

The British Final will be held on Saturday 12 June 2010 at Edinburgh International Climbing Arena.

Good luck to everyone

Monday, March 1, 2010

Results - Midlands Region 2nd Round BRYCS

Saturday saw the 2ND round of the Midlands Region of the BRYCS. 47 competitors turned up with all there supporters. It was a really great day with some fantastic efforts from everyone. We even a rep from La Sportiva who loan out boots for us to try, thank you very much. A big thanks also has to go to Mark Croxall and Dani from setting the routes and helping out during the day. Also to Deb and Mark again for demoing the routes.
It was good to see some of Wolf Mountains own team getting places on the podium. We even had some spot prizes and a raffle for a mountain bike.

The Full results are here